We recently moved into our new home in November of 2023, and since then I have been compiling a list of my go to Holistic Homemaking Tips. This process of building our forever home has been a labor of love. So much thought and creative juices went into every single decision in this house. It was important to me to create a home that not only looked beautiful but felt warm, cozy, and magical. The older I get, the more I realize that my home growing up felt so special because of all of the time and energy my mom put into making it special. I want that for my family too!
To be honest, I was completely overwhelmed when we moved into our new house. Our old house was a lot easier to manage as it was a lot smaller. On top of that, I am not your typical modern homemaker that is a stay-at-home mom too. I work full time. I run my Pittsburgh based meal prep company and food blog from home too. That said, it is important to me to be an efficient homemaker as I have other things going on too! As I got into the groove of things and dealt with the unexpected changes that come from managing a larger home, I have really gotten so much pride and joy out of it; even completing the mundane tasks like laundry make me feel good. I have come to the conclusion that it comes down to being more intentional about the stuff I do around the house. Intentional homemaking makes a big difference. I feel less scattered and more accomplished. Enter your email below, and I will send you my free Relaxed Homemaker Guide where I share my seasonal household monthly checklist.
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Below are 7 practical tips and simple tips that have helped as a new homemaker
Tip #1: Come up with a meal plan
- Meal planning will save you so much time and unnecessary tips to the grocery store! Every Friday I create a grocery list for the following week. I try to do my grocery shopping every Friday so that I can beat the weekend rush! I personally use one from my meal plans that I offer. We send out my weekly simple meal plan and grocery list plus you get a monthly cooking class with me and access to exclusive meal prep recipes. Some family favorites recipes of ours are my Instant Pot Turkey Soup, Easy Frozen Salmon in the Air Fryer, and my Keto Cabbage Rolls. Be sure to check back out my blog every week. I try to publish a new recipe once a week!
Tip #2: Come up with a list of important tasks
- Going back to how I felt overwhelmed when we first moved in – part of that was due to the fact that, when we lived in our old home, I never felt like I had a grasp on everything that needed done and upkeep around the house. I felt like I was constantly drowning in things as they came up, and everything was breaking because I did not know how to properly care for it. To help with that, I have created a checklist for this house. The main categories are Fall/ Spring, and then I further broke down monthly tasks, weekly tasks, daily tasks, etc. Enter your email below, and I will send you my free Relaxed Homemaker Guide where I share my seasonal household monthly checklist. I keep this in an excel sheet online and in a home management binder. Since we are all creatures of habit as humans, it is important to have everything laid out so you know exactly what to do!
Tip #3: Decide on a morning routine that works well for you
- Since my job is now fully remote and I am home all the time, it is technically easy to stay in my pajamas all day, but I don’t. I get up, eat breakfast, put on my workout clothes, answer emails, work out, shower, and then I do my household tasks for the day. After that, I finish up any work. I do the same thing every day. It is so important to form these good habits and routines. If not, you will feel like you are all over the place. I also make sure that I make any to-do lists early in the morning with my household chore list for the day or work tasks that need done and plan my around them. You will need to come up with a routine that works well for you and your family. Keep in mind that it has to feel good! What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.
Tip #4: Come up with a cleaning schedule
- There are certain things I do every day and other things I do once a week. Regardless if you are doing all of the cleaning yourself or have helpers in your home or a cleaning lady, you will want to make some sort of cleaning/ chore charts. I am telling you that this will make you feel so much more organized and less scattered. You will need to hold yourself accountable to do these tasks daily so they do not add up!
Tip #5: Come up with a plan for your dirty laundry
- I love doing smaller loads more frequently throughout the week. I do a load of laundry on average every 3 days. Obviously, the more people you have in your home, the more often you will need to do it! This prevents it from piling up and from folding clean clothes to be such a big undertaking. One other thing that has really helped me is creating a space for laundry that I love. It was a labor of love designing our laundry room just like it was designing the rest of the house. Having little things that make me smile in there make the biggest difference like our wallpaper, cute silver light laundry carts and pink purple plants.
Tip #6: Design a space you love
- I cannot reiterate this enough. You need to feel good about being in the space you are in. When we built and designed this house, I constantly asked myself how I wanted to feel in the home. For me, keeping everything light and bright was so important. We stuck with mostly neutral items around the house and small pops of color. Our old home had so much color, and we found it to be overstimulating at times. Keeping everything neutral really helped.
Tip #7: Make friends with fellow homemakers
It is so important to have friends that value making their house feel like a home. I cannot stress this enough! The most important thing is to find people who get much joy out of the same things that bring you joy.
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